Church Membership
What is Church Membership?
A church is not a brick-and-mortar building. A church is a church because we are a family that comes together as a body of believers.
If you are part of the family of God and have believed in Christ and confessed Him with your mouth (Romans 10:9-10), you are part of the Church as a whole.
Laughlin Community Church is a family that considers ourselves a part of a Kingdom greater than anything we can imagine. We strive to be good citizens of the Kingdom of God. We strive to be good citizens of the Kingdom of God. As we are citizens of God's Kingdom, we take on the responsibilities of citizenship. As members of Laughlin Community Church, we are committing to this family as our home base. Committing to working together to see God's Kingdom grow and to show the love of Christ to the best of our abilities to the world around us. We are also committing to stand beside one another in Christ’s name.
A church is not a brick-and-mortar building. A church is a church because we are a family that comes together as a body of believers.
If you are part of the family of God and have believed in Christ and confessed Him with your mouth (Romans 10:9-10), you are part of the Church as a whole.
Laughlin Community Church is a family that considers ourselves a part of a Kingdom greater than anything we can imagine. We strive to be good citizens of the Kingdom of God. We strive to be good citizens of the Kingdom of God. As we are citizens of God's Kingdom, we take on the responsibilities of citizenship. As members of Laughlin Community Church, we are committing to this family as our home base. Committing to working together to see God's Kingdom grow and to show the love of Christ to the best of our abilities to the world around us. We are also committing to stand beside one another in Christ’s name.